Court courtesy
If you are the last to leave the courts:
Then Please...
Wind umbrellas down.
Close and lock shed door.
Close all court gates.
Our policy
Player Rotation Rules:
This holder is for courts 1-5.
Play 2 on, 2 off, winner stay on an split, second place leaves.
May play a Max of two games in a row then must leave courts.
Games are played to 11 and win by 2.
If more than eight players are waiting move on to 4 on, 4 off
Paddle Holder Procedure:
Load paddles left to right.
Move the small yellow ball left to right.
Yellow ball indicates next paddle to play.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to encourage pleasant, courteous and welcoming atmosphere at the Club, to promote respectful play and an appropriate sharing of the Club's facilities, in addition to adhering to Club rules and regulations. Every person involved in Pickleball should:
Engage in sportsman-like conduct and encourage others to do so.
Treat others with respect.
Avoid any behavior that would endanger the health, safety or well-being of others (including use of profanity)
Compliment your opponents or partner for a well-made shot.
Use only USAPA approved paddles.
Wear only non-marking court shoes on the courts.
If it is very busy, paddle holders will be used to ensure all pickleball players have a turn to play.
REMEMBER, if others are waiting to play, come off the court once game is finished and allow others to play.